Anniversary Cruise: Helping to create unforgettable events through chartered cruises of Tokyo Bay, the Port of Yokohama, and Chiba

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Digital bingo

A game of bingo is always a hit at a party!

Attractive prizes for the winners are sure to make it even more exciting.




The smiling faces of winners with their prizes in hand are always radiant.

But it’s a lot of trouble to prepare bingo equipment and supplies for a one-time event.


That’s why we offer this option in which we arrange everything needed for playing bingo (the bingo machine and cards). All the organizer needs to prepare is the prizes.




Distributing the cards when guests board the boat or placing them on each table in advance makes it easy to get the bingo game off to a smooth start.

One of the attractions of bingo is that once the preparations are complete, you can start an exciting game simply by calling the numbers as they come up.

Be sure to ask prize winners to comment to the crowd when they accept their prizes.




What makes bingo so much fun is that anybody can enjoy it—young and old, male and female.

It’s sure to make the organizer the hero of the day when the party proves a big success.


Reference price: 5,000 yen (including cards)


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