Anniversary Cruise: Helping to create unforgettable events through chartered cruises of Tokyo Bay, the Port of Yokohama, and Chiba

Available and departing 24 hrs./day




For travel agents and corporate planners

Allow us to help you improve your business performance through charter cruises.

Anniversary Cruise does more than just provide cruising services. We offer a consulting-based approach through which we join you in thinking about how best to achieve your individual goals through cruising.

You can choose from a wide range of attractive cruising options intended not only for entertainment purposes but also for goals such as strengthening ties with clients and serving as a revenue-generating product.


For travel businesses and groups

Consider charter cruising, which delivers one of the highest cost-to-satisfaction ratios among tour options.

It is clear from the inquiries we receive that the state of the domestic tour business is undergoing considerable changes. Japanese travelers (including business travelers) are tending increasingly to refrain from costly, time-consuming international travel and instead choose convenient domestic travel. In addition, growth in the active senior segment is leading to a shift in demand from houseboats toward charter cruisers. As a long-term trend, the inbound tourism market is growing, as numbers of travelers, centered on Asian travelers from overseas, increase.

In response to these trends, Anniversary Cruise proposes the following solutions.

For domestic Japanese travelers and seniors
◎Cruising to nearby paradises instead of remote resorts—much more convenient than international travel
For inbound tourism, chiefly from Asia
◎Together with travel-related businesses, we propose providing travelers with a memorable cruise providing breathtaking views of the urban skyline at night from Tokyo Bay and Yokohama, as the crowning moment of their trip.
We look forward to working with our clients to help advance tourism culture in the future as well.
We encourage businesses involved in group travel to feel free to contact us.


For corporate executives and company event planners

Consider a charter cruise as an easy way to increase motivation in your company.

A highly satisfying, memorable cruise is an excellent choice for occasions such as New Year’s parties, flower-viewing parties, welcome and farewell parties, summer-evening parties, year-end parties, and company commemorative events, or for receptions following training, seminars, or other activities. It’s much less expensive and time-consuming than traveling overseas, and an excellent way to demonstrate your abilities as a planner by putting time and funds to more effective use while improving solidarity in your organization.


For those planning promotional events for clients and members

Why not capture the hearts of your clients through the out-of-the-ordinary surprise of a cruise?

We can offer cruisers in a wide range of sizes to match your plans. Leave everything to us: not only food and beverages but various performances as well. Our concierges, who handle more than 100 events a year on land as well, will work with you from the planning stage. If you wish, we also can help with attracting guests.
We encourage planners to contact us if they want to strengthen ties with clients more effectively.



Matchmaking businesses and groups

Why not hold a party to celebrate marriage arrangements or an event for exchanges between different industries on board a cruiser? Even an occasional cruise can be a surprise or a prize that makes the organization seem more exciting and vital to members’ eyes. It also can be a great location for attractive events aimed at securing brand-new customers.
We encourage planners who prioritize guest satisfaction above all to contact us.




For funeral and ash-scattering event planners

Have you considered a cruise to scatter the ashes of the deceased over the life-giving sea?


These tasteful cruises are intended to commemorate a beloved person or pet. They’re sure to fulfill the wishes of deceased persons who loved the sea. This is a way to say final farewells while remembering the deceased, surrounded by close family and friends and flowers. We also offer memorial cruises
to the spot where the ashes were scattered, one year later or at other suitable times.




For event businesses and groups

Have you considered a cruise as a way to kill three birds with one stone, increasing customer satisfaction, securing revenues, and improving your brand power?


While some may think that cruising events are not very profitable, we can offer special plans and other options to meet the needs of event businesses and groups. Since we want to spread the cruising culture on Tokyo Bay, we consider event businesses and groups, which help to publicize cruising to more and more people, to be our colleagues. We also welcome opportunities to work with you as agents or partners introducing our services to your clients.
We encourage creative and innovative planners to feel free to contact us.




For students

We welcome students looking for affordable ways to create unforgettable memories with friends and classmates!


All of us remember our schooldays, when we would give up on cruising events because we thought they were too expensive. But since we want to support students who do not give up on trying new things, we offer cruising plans perfectly suited to students, grounded in our variety of cruisers and wealth of knowledge on the industry. These are a great choice for events such as graduation parties and parties held when launching new clubs or activities or welcoming new students.
We encourage students to contact us if they have any interest in cruising.




Seeking agents and partners

Consider introducing or selling charter cruises to your customers and members.


◇To make your own services more attractive
◇As a new business
◇To attract more potential customers, or for various other purposes

※You even could start by adding information on cruises to your Web media or pamphlets, and then offering full-fledged services after verifying demand. Feel free to contact us for more details.
