Anniversary Cruise: Helping to create unforgettable events through chartered cruises of Tokyo Bay, the Port of Yokohama, and Chiba

Available and departing 24 hrs./day




Halloween cosplay cruise

A charter cruise is perfect for that special evening

Halloween cosplay cruise features

Halloween has firmly taken root as a tradition in Japan. Cosplay is a great way to enjoy Halloween. On board the cruiser, it’s a world of make-believe for everybody.

Why not decide on a theme and enjoy cosplay with close friends or colleagues, on board a cruiser?

Once it sets sail, the cruiser is a completely private world. There’s no need to worry about what others around you think, like you might do at a restaurant.




It’s sure to be fun choosing a theme and color, such as hippies in the ’60s, the “bubble” years of the ’80s in Japan, a middle ages masquerade for the nobility, or favorite artists.

Options such as balloon decorations, music, meals, and beverages matching the party’s theme can help make yours a one-of-a-kind Halloween party.

But perhaps what comes to mind first of all when celebrating Halloween on board a boat is a pirate costume.
Many people may think of the adventures and dreams of Peter Pan and Captain Hook from childhood, or, more recently, Captain Jack Sparrow from the Pirates of the Caribbean. While we forget about it as we grow older, as children we dreamed of riding a pirate’s ship like those appearing in comics and movies.




The Anniversary Cruise, a massive three-decker pirate ship, has begun sailing in the waters around Tokyo Bay to help make this childhood dream real.

This multilevel cruiser with a capacity of 200 passengers (including crew) can be chartered fully. A party on a chartered pirate ship is sure to be a hit. You can even barbeque on deck. The second level, open to the fresh air, and the spacious third-level deck can create an extraordinary experience.


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Something that not everybody is aware of is the fact that Disneyland has special fireworks for Halloween. Viewing them from the sea is sure to impress Disney fans.

Cruise plan budget and overview

Operation period All year long
Price per person 8,000-15,000 yen
Minimum amount From 180,000 yen
Passenger range 2-600 persons

*Prices are subject to change depending on the vessel, cuisine, etc.